Online Course Library

Precious plums

Everything you need to know about growing organic plums

Plum trees just about grow themselves—of all the fruit, they are the ones that need the least specialised care. Which may be why they’re so often ignored or underestimated!

Properly valued, plums are a practical and easy addition to your garden, and can add huge variety and colour to your dining table.

$14.00 incl. GST


Even with minimal care, plum trees will usually be productive and reliable. Imagine how much more you’ll get out of your tree if you give it some love and attention!

Plums can easily become a major producer in your garden, giving you a large supply of delicious and healthy organic fruit, for very little input. The main areas requiring attention are how to prune plum trees, and fruit thinning.

After completing this course you’ll be able to confidently to do both, and soon be growing a really top quality crop every year. The course also includes hard-to-find recipes for plum dumplings, plum kulfi, plus simple chutney and tart recipes. (Tip: if you have plum trees but don’t like the plums, check the grafting courses to learn how to improve varieties.)

What’s included in this course:

  • Unit 1: Thin your apricot, peach and plum trees (video)
  • Unit 2: Maintenance pruning a mature plum tree (video)
  • Unit 3: Picking care & storage of plums (article)
  • Unit 4a: Preserving plums (article)
  • Unit 4b: Plum (or apricot) dumplings (recipe)
  • Unit 4c: Plum chutney (recipe)
  • Unit 4d: Plum and raspberry pie (recipe)
  • Unit 4e: Plum kulfi (recipe)


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