Grow Great Fruit Scholarship 2025
Here at Grow Great Fruit our passion is sharing our knowledge about how to grow amazing organic fruit that can feed your family and community.
We love to teach in ways that help our community to share what they learn with others—we call it the ripple effect.
We also recognise that joining our paid membership program is out of reach for some fruit garden projects and groups.
This year, we have four scholarships for projects that help communities we care about. Each is for a Grow Great Fruit Essentials membership, and we’re throwing in a few video calls to help you make the most of your membership!
While we can imagine the types of projects that might be a good fit – school kitchen gardens, orchard or garden projects that build inclusive communities or offer employment pathways, First Nations-run gardens, projects that foster young farmers, community orchards in an area that has been impacted by natural disaster, projects increasing food access/security – we don’t want to limit access just by our imagination. So we don’t have a lengthy set of criteria.
To apply, all you need to do is fill in this form telling us:
How will you use a Grow Great Fruit membership to increase your project’s impact? (Make sure you tell us a bit about your project in this answer.)
How does your project align with our values of (1) Educate to empower; (2) Build resilience and food sovereignty; (3) Apply regenerative and organic principles; and, (4) Work collaboratively and inclusively? (See more about these values at https://growgreatfruit.com/about-us ).
Applications are due April 1 2025. We’ll check out everyone’s applications and notify winners by early May. Scholarship recipients will then have access to a yearlong membership from May 2025-May 2026.
Applications are open worldwide. We would love to share some of the stories of your amazing projects, so as a condition of receiving the scholarship recipients will need to be willing to participate in some follow up communications (at least twice across the yearlong membership), sharing images and a quick update on their projects for use across our communications.
So, tell us: