This is a great thing to do with ageing apples that are maybe starting to go a bit greasy or spotty. So, enjoy the last of the cold nights ahead with these scrumptious little filling treats before spring brings longer and warmer evenings that [...]

In this article we bring you a selection of recipes that use bottled apples. We preserve sliced apples in water (not syrup), so they come out like stewed apples in unsweetened juice. If you’ve bottled apples in sweet syrup, you can still use t [...]

We have many regular customers who buy apricots from us each year to make apricot dumplings. There seem to be many variations of this recipe, from various parts of Europe, some with soft cheese in the pastry, some with potato, some coated in b [...]

There are endless variations on apricot jam, even sugar-free versions—here’s three of our favourites from our customers! Get the recipes in Summer - Week 10

Many thanks to Brunetta, one of our dear long-standing customers, who gave us a private dumpling workshop. We’ve been hearing about these amazing dumplings for years from many of our customers, particularly those with European heritage. Seeing [...]

Did you know that about one-third of the food that’s produced worldwide is wasted? Shocked? We were, when we discovered the facts behind the massive problem of global food waste. In this article we give you some great tips on how to make the m [...]

Five recipes to help you put this weed to work in your kitchen, as well as your garden. Get the recipes in Winter - Week 7

This article takes a peek into the wisdom of yesteryear from a well-intentioned but rather condescending little book called “Help for the poor: practical help and practical hints for everyone”, the profits from the sale of which were “devoted [...]

Drying your own fruit is a low-cost and effective storage option – you just need to find the system that will work for you! If done properly, fruit drying can be a very energy efficient way to preserve your summer harvest to provide much-neede [...]

As with all fruit, cherries are most nutritious if eaten straight away, but there are many different ways of preserving them that also preserve a substantial amount of the nutrients, making it a very worthwhile way of providing nutrition for y [...]