Online course library
Showing 13–24 of 65 results
Picking Fruit the Right Way
$19.00 incl. GSTLearn how to pick fruit the right way
You’ve got ripe fruit on your tree…now learn the all-important (but tricky) skill of choosing the perfect time to pick it. Back it up with great technique and proper storage and you’ll make the most of your precious fruit.
Smart Irrigation for Fruit Trees
$19.00 incl. GSTBe a wise water warrior
Grow amazing fruit with a sensible amount of water. Sound good? Then throw the “rules” out the window and get back to basics: learn how to adjust water needs for different aged trees, understand how weather affects water use, and set up an easy watering system.
Save water, save money and save yourself some work!
Pruning Mature Fruit Trees
$19.00 incl. GSTConfident fruit tree pruning in simple steps
There’s no such thing as “right” or “wrong” when it comes to pruning, just cuts and consequences. This short course makes pruning feel simple by teaching you the pruning principles, which trees to prune in winter (and how to do it), and how to plan your pruning for the year.
Grow Great Fruit Without Chemicals
$19.00 incl. GSTChemical-free pest and disease control
You want to feed your family home-grown organic fruit with no chemicals, right? You need these simple strategies for keeping your trees healthy and preventing pest and disease outbreaks. No matter how big or small your orchard or garden, they work!
Bees and Pollination
$14.00 incl. GSTHow to attract bees for abundant fruit harvests
Two things are needed to get great fruit crops—the right pollinisers (trees that need to be planted together to get a crop), and enough bees. Learn how to ensure abundant harvests by creating a bee-friendly garden and understanding pollination.
Plant New Fruit Trees the Right Way
$14.00 incl. GSTChoose the right trees, prepare the site and plant properly
It’s important to set your fruit trees up for success. Luckily it’s also easy, when you know what to do! Learn how to choose the right site and the right trees, get your soil ready, and plant properly to give your trees the head start they deserve.
Grow Your Own Fruit Trees for Free
$19.00 incl. GSTLearn fruit tree grafting
Learn the ancient skills of growing your own fruit trees from seed or cutting, and then grafting your own trees—useful and fun techniques that will turn you into a truly self-sufficient gardener able to preserve heritage varieties and create something from nothing. You’ll feel incredibly empowered when you master this forgotten art and become self-sufficient for fruit trees.
Five Key Steps to Growing Great Fruit – FREE webinar!
$0.00 incl. GSTFinally! — learn how to properly look after your fruit trees.
In little more than an hour you’ll understand:
- How to build healthy soil (and why it’s SO important)
- How to make sure your trees have the right amount of water
- How to make pruning simple (YES, really)
- The key to organic pest and disease control (without using chemicals)
- How to grow a year’s supply of fruit and save hundreds of dollars
This is the best time you will EVER invest in growing your own food!
Fabulous Fruit Preserving
$24.00 incl. GSTSave money with home grown preserved fruit
Fresh fruit is healthy and full of vitamins, especially if you’ve grown it yourself, using organic methods.
Learn how to preserve and store fruit to eat over winter without losing all those wonderful life-giving nutrients.
Permaculture in Action
$45.00 incl. GSTUse the permaculture system for better living
Do you yearn for a simpler, more abundant life? A life where you provide more of your own food and produce less waste? Permaculture provides practical, “do-able” solutions for living lighter on the earth, using a design process that works with nature. Whether you’re growing food on a balcony or a farm, permaculture will help you create the lifestyle you long for.
Awesome Apples
$24.00 incl. GSTApple growing answers, from pruning to pests
Imagine never having to buy apples again! With just a few healthy and productive apple trees in your garden, it’s easy to grow a year’s supply for your family.
Summer Pruning Explained
$19.00 incl. GSTSummer pruning for cherry and apricot trees
Pruning is really important, and really hard—or is it? Everything will fall into place when you understand the difference between summer and winter pruning, and know how to successfully summer prune the right fruit trees.