Identifying fruit trees by their flowers
Flowers are a great way to identify mystery fruit trees in your garden, which will help you look after each of your trees the right way.
Are workshops the best way to learn about fruit growing?
Workshops are just one way to learn more about fruit growing – but will they suit you better than online learning?
Peach tree leaf curl
Peach tree leaf curl disease is one of the main causes of curly leaves on your peach and nectarine trees, but it’s usually preventable.
Diversity, soil, and the amazing Christine Jones
Everyone can learn a lot about biodiversity, climate change, and the link between soil and human health from the amazing Dr. Christine Jones.
Can you grow an apple tree from a seed?
Apple trees grow easily from seed, but the seedling trees may not grow good apples unless they’re grafted with a known variety.
Learning about fruit growing in America
Learn the similarities – and some surprising differences – between fruit growing in America and Australia.
The miracle of fruit trees in spring
The miracle of watching fruit trees wake up in spring is the perfect antidote to the worry of things going wrong later in the season.
It doesn’t cost anything to give grafting a go!
Give fruit tree grafting a go. It can take a bit of practice to get reliable results, but it’s lots of fun and completely free.
How to avoid leaf curl by watching for spring
Learning how to avoid leaf curl is all in the timing. The key time to pay attention is very early spring, earlier than you think!
Growing fruit trees for free by root grafting
Did you know you can grow a whole new fruit tree from a piece of root, using a simple technique called root grafting?
Winter and water for fruit trees
Do your fruit trees need water in winter? Understanding the impact of a wet winter will help you plan for summer.
Learning from other fruit growers
Having a peer group of like-minded gardeners to spend time with is one of the best ways to learn about fruit growing.