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Water for Fruit

Efficient Fruit Tree Irrigation

In this ebook we demystify watering, giving you the information needed to not only monitor your watering, but also set up a system that works, is efficient, makes the most of our most precious resource, and gives the best chance of getting a good return.

$24.95 incl. GST


We all know, fruit trees need water—simple. What seems to be less well known is how much water trees need, when they need it, and what’s the most efficient way to deliver it to them. In this book we demystify these things, giving the home fruit grower the information needed to not only monitor their watering, but also set up a system that works, is efficient, makes the most of our most precious resource, and gives the best chance of getting a good return.
This book – like all our teaching – is based on a few simple principles:
  • Diversity of supply = resilience, so create multiple water sources if possible: tank, grey water, reticulated, dam, bore.
  • The most efficient water storage is your soil, so create healthy soil with high organic matter levels, and plan your garden to maximise water soaking and minimise runoff.
  • The more automatic your watering system, the better.
  • Plan your watering system with the capacity to provide enough water for mature trees with a full load of fruit in drought conditions.
  • Check, repair and improve system each year.


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