Click on the variety/cultivar name below to open the full listing, or click here for detailed instructions on how to use the database
Variety/Cultivar | Fruit Type | Fruit Description | Production Notes | Disease Susceptibility |
White Transparent | Apple | Very resistant to black spot (apple scab) | ||
Wiggins | Peach | Heritage, white-flesh peach. Creamy skin with a pinky-red blush and stripes, quite similar in appearance to Fragar. Fruit can be quite large, very juicy, and are sweet and delicious, with the more complex and interesting flavour characteristic of heritage varieties. They also bruise very easily and need careful handling. | ||
William's Pride | Apple | Deep red skin, striped, with creamy flesh, no russet. Crisp for early season apple, moderately acidic. Medium to large fruit, slightly flat. | Late picked fruit can be prone to water core, especially if there is hot weather near maturity | Immune to black spot (apple scab), resistant to powdery mildew |
Williams (Bartlett, Williams bon Cretian, WBC, Duchess, De Lavault, Guilliame) | Pear | Pyrus communis (European pear). The fruit is medium to large, pale green and ripening to a mellow, even yellow, sometimes with a slight red blush. Usually no russet. The flesh is white and firm until ripe, then it's buttery, sweet and juicy. | Trees are quite upright and vigorous, become steady croppers as they mature. Fruit shouldn't be ripened on the tree, and can be prone to pre-harvest drop. For commercial growers, these do not store well long term and should only be kept in CA for a few months. | None known |
Willy Sharp | Apple | Moderately resistant to black spot (apple scab) | ||
Wilson | Plum | Japanese, small, round, red plum with yellow flesh. Good flavour, freestone. | Can colour after it's picked. Tree is thorny and vigorous, usually oversets and needs heavy thinning. | Moderately resistant to bacterial spot. |
Wilsons Early | Plum | |||
Winter Banana | Apple | Spur bearer | ||
Winter Cole | Pear | Pyrus communis (European pear). Turbinate, small, green flesh with partial russet. Flesh is tender, sweet and juicy. | The tree is very vigorous with spreading branches. Normally productive, needs thinning or can become biennial. | Moderately susceptible to mites, moderately resistant to pear blast (Pseudomonas syringae) |
Winter Nelis | Pear | Also called Bonne De Malines, Nelis d'Hiver, Beurre de Malines. Sometimes known as honey pears. Fully russetted green skin, small fruit. Tender, sweet and juicy pear with melting, buttery flesh and good flavour. | Slender, upright, willowy tree, medium small, long oval leaf. Tends to crop well each year. Needs good pruning and thinning to get decent sized fruit. If growing commercially, this pear stores well in CA for 6 to 8 months, or in a refrigerator for up to 3 months. | Susceptible to blossom blast, moderately susceptible to black spot (apple scab) and fireblight, very susceptible to Nectria canker, susceptible to Pseudomonas syringae. Very tolerant to two spotted mite. |
Wolf River | Apple | Grows in zones 3-7 | ||
Worcester Pearmain | Apple | Very resistant to black spot (apple scab) | ||
Ya Li Nashi | Pear (Asian) | Globular pear-shaped, light green skin that turns yellow when ripe. Flesh is crunchy at first, then becomes soft, sweet, and juicy as the fruit ripens. Fruit stores very well if it's picked before it gets too ripe on the tree. | Trees are quite vigorous and spreading. They can grow to 4-5m tall, but can be kept shorter with good pruning. The leaves are large with wavy edges, and have stunning autumn colour. | Fruit should not be over-ripened on the tree as it will likely develop internal browning if it's stored for too long. |
Yarlington Mill | Apple | Fruit is small to medium, yellow, flushed and slightly striped. | Tip bearer. Tree is medium size, upright-spreading. Good cropper. | |
Yarrahapinni Blood | Plum |