Globular pear-shaped, light green skin that turns yellow when ripe. Flesh is crunchy at first, then becomes soft, sweet, and juicy as the fruit ripens. Fruit stores very well if it's picked before it gets too ripe on the tree.
Common Uses
Eating, can be used for cooking.
China, heritage variety.
Partially self-fertile. Pollinates well with all other nashi pears and Corella.
Chill Hours
Low chill, 365-480 hours.
Blossom Time
Flowers very early, a day or two before Corella.
Harvest Time
+5 days Nijisseiki, late March to early April in central Victoria.
Production Notes
Trees are quite vigorous and spreading. They can grow to 4-5m tall, but can be kept shorter with good pruning. The leaves are large with wavy edges, and have stunning autumn colour.
Disease Susceptibility
Fruit should not be over-ripened on the tree as it will likely develop internal browning if it's stored for too long.
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