There are many members of the genus Oxalis, but the most common is a little weed (also known as wood sorrel) that is often found in vegie gardens, lawns and on roadsides. It is a pervasive plant that can be the bane of a gardener’s life, until [...]

Also called Radium weed, Milkweed and Cancer weed, Petty spurge is an annual plant growing to 5– 30 cm tall, with smooth hairless stems. It’s native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, where it typically grows as a weed in far [...]

Not the large cooking banana, but the extremely common herb found in gardens, lawns, and roadsides throughout Australia, Europe, and Asia, plantain is also called ribwort, narrow-leafed ribwort, flat weed, common plantain, and lamb’s tongue. I [...]

An annual succulent, purslane is has a low, spreading habit but can grow quite high (up to 40 cm). Native to India and Persia, it’s found throughout the world, and is quite a wonder plant. A tasty and nutritional herb, purslane is tolerant of [...]

A green manure crop is usually a mix of fast-growing annual plants that are grown for soil improvement. As soon as the crop is tall enough, and before it flowers, it is either dug in or chopped off and left on the surface of the soil to add or [...]

Tansy is in the Asteraceae Family, and is also called buttons, bitter buttons, scented fern, stinking willie, cow bitter, golden buttons and mugwort. It’s native to Europe, but is now common in Australia and many other parts of the world. Read [...]

Many plants we think of as weeds are also herbs, and contrary to popular belief, are often doing more good than harm - it's understorey management! Read the article in Autumn - Week 2.

Most of us want to grow fruit for the satisfaction of being self sufficient, and providing our families with affordable organic food. Saving money and having fun are the other main reasons we hear that people are passionate about fruit growing [...]

Are you wasting energy and fossil fuels mowing the grass, or wasting your time pulling out weeds? Using animals that are designed for the job can save time, money, and energy; keep your carbon footprint down; and provide many other benefits. [...]

Lots of weeds act as indicator plants, which means they’re telling us something about the soil they’re growing in – we just have to learn how to look, and listen to their message. We’ve got to learn how to talk weed! Read the article in Autum [...]