How to grow apples — the organic way
Apples are one of the most popular fruits to grow in your backyard. Learn the basics of how to look after your apple tree.
Apples are one of the most popular fruits to grow in your backyard. Learn the basics of how to look after your apple tree.
Brown marks on your apples can be a sign that something’s wrong, or it can be a naturally occurring condition that’s rarely seen these days.
Using a fruit-picking diary can help solve the problem of choosing the exact time to pick your fruit so it’s neither under-ripe nor over-ripe.
Picking up your fruit from the ground is the first principle of organic orchard hygiene, and one of your best lines of defence against pests.
The sooner you net your fruit trees, the sooner you’ll get reliable crops. We explain the different systems to help you choose the right one.
Over pruning fruit trees can result in a lack of fruit. It can force your tree to put energy into growing wood instead of fruit.