Become a no-waste warrior
Become a no-waste warrior

Did you know that about one-third of the food that’s produced worldwide is wasted? Shocked? We were, when we discovered the facts behind the massive problem of global food waste. In this article we give you some great tips on how to make the m [...]

Bees & other pollinators
Bees & other pollinators

There are around 25,000 known species of bees known around the world, with the European honey bee being the most well-known by fruit growers. They are hugely variable, and range in size from tiny stingless bees less than 2 mm long, to large le [...]

Budding (summer grafting) – recap
Budding (summer grafting) – recap

Budding is an easy way to graft a new variety on to an existing fruit tree, fix pollination problems (and boost production) by adding a polliniser, or save a tree that has died back to the graft. As long as the bark is still lifting on the hos [...]

Catalogue your fruit trees – activity
Catalogue your fruit trees – activity

Giving each individual fruit tree in your garden an identifying name or number will help you to monitor each tree and track its progress. It will also make doing your Grow Great Fruit homework easier! Find the activity in Autumn - Week 5.

Chill factor explained
Chill factor explained

Chill factor is something unique to where you live, and describes the number of hours your fruit trees will spend below 7°C each winter. Some fruit trees require either low, medium, or high chill, so it’s good to know the typical chill factor [...]

Creating microclimates
Creating microclimates

Establishing healthy fruit trees, and learning how to grow fruit successfully, doesn’t happen overnight. Because we’re dealing with slow-growing, perennial plants, it can take years to get your fruit trees to be really productive, particularly [...]

Eight key watering principles
Eight key watering principles

One of the things we know all about as fruit growers is the variability of our climate; no matter where you live, each growing season you’ve got a good chance of experiencing an extreme condition like flood, drought, fire, or heatwave. This me [...]

Fruit self-sufficiency
Fruit self-sufficiency

Are you still eating fresh fruit that grew in your garden this season? Did you bottle or preserve any fruit this year? With the combination of growing the right quantities, good storage, and a range of preserving techniques, it’s not that hard [...]

Growing your own fruit trees: rootstocks explained
Growing your own fruit trees: rootstocks explained

With fruit trees going up in price every year, growing your own fruit trees from scratch becomes an attractive option, especially when you realise how easy it is. Autumn is the time to be planning where you’ll get the rootstocks that you can l [...]

Harvest fruit for 6+ months
Harvest fruit for 6+ months

By choosing varieties that ripen sequentially, you can plan your garden to yield fruit over a long period. Other considerations that can help you achieve a long harvest include space, pollination, multigrafts, and creating microclimates in you [...]

How (and why) to use your fruit tree diary
How (and why) to use your fruit tree diary

Keeping good records is an important part of growing great fruit. This article explains what to look for, and how to record it. Read the article in Spring - Week 1.

How to foil frost
How to foil frost

If your garden is frost prone, it may damage your fruit trees in spring, when they are vulnerable, and can lead to the loss of fruit. Understanding how frost works, and how it affects fruit trees, can help you to plan your garden to grow bount [...]