Dealing with spring panic

Dealing with spring panic

It’s easy to panic in spring, particularly if it rains a lot and your fruit is at risk. Ease the tension by celebrating the season.

You can take the farmer off the farm…

We’re taking a few days holiday off the farm. Well, when I say holiday, I mean working holiday. We try to get away at least once a year to do a review of the past season and plan for the year ahead. There’s two reasons we get off the farm to do it – one is to get away...

Unsung farming heroes – Week 9 RIRDC Rural Women’s Award

Just recently, I’ve been lucky enough to meet one of my local heroes. This is Margaret, one of the early apple tree growers in our district. She and her husband had a very famous nursery that specialised in heritage apples, and they grew more than 500 varieties....