Could grasshoppers be eating your fruit?
Grasshoppers can do damage to fruit and to leaves on your fruit trees, but it’s possible to keep them under control with these strategies.
Grasshoppers can do damage to fruit and to leaves on your fruit trees, but it’s possible to keep them under control with these strategies.
Queensland fruit fly is one of the hardest pests to manage organically. Get to know your enemy and don’t give up – you can fight fruit fly!
The classic “worm in the apple” is actually the larvae of the Codling moth, a very annoying pest that needs a planned effort to prevent.
Spraying your trees in spring – at the right time and for the right reasons – can make a big difference to whether you get a crop or not.
Fruit fly and bird nets are key to your fruit growing success. These 6 simple steps to look after them properly will help them last longer.