The downside of drape netting fruit trees
Netting your fruit trees is a great idea, but can have unintended consequences if you don’t remove them in a timely fashion.
To fertilise or not to fertilise your fruit trees in spring?
Should you fertilise your fruit trees in spring? Yes, but its important to do it in a way that doesn’t damage the natural fertility system.
Creating water security for your fruit trees
Your fruit trees need water, so you need to plan how you’ll water them in a future with a greater chance of both floods and droughts.
Top 7 tips to control aphids in your fruit trees
Learn the top 7 tips to control aphids in your fruit trees, starting with knowing how to identify them and understanding their lifestyle.
Does fruit love rain?
Rain can be both good and bad for fruit, depending on the context. We share the 6 main pros and cons of rain for fruit growers.