Click on the variety/cultivar name below to open the full listing, or click here for detailed instructions on how to use the database
Variety/Cultivar | Fruit Type | Fruit Description | Production Notes | Disease Susceptibility |
Taylor Queen | Peach | Clingstone peach, juicy dense yellow flesh that clings to the stone. Skin is orange when ripe with a red blush, moderately fuzzy. | ||
Tegan Blue | Plum | Japanese, dark purple red skin, dark yellow flesh with red staining, firm and juicy, sweet flavour, clingstone. | Can crack under adverse weather conditions. | Very susceptible to bacterial spot |
Tilton | Apricot | Medium, slightly oblong fruit, light apricot colour with slight red blush. Orange, juicy flesh, average flavour, freestone. | Apricots need frost protection, particularly at blossom time. Can withstand hot summers.Regular cropper in high chill areas. | Apricots are generally susceptible to blossom blight. |
Tomcot | Apricot | Bright orange with some red blush, skin can mark easily. Orange, juicy flesh, freestone, needs to be properly ripened on the tree for sugars to develop. | Apricots need frost protection, particularly at blossom time. | Apricots are generally susceptible to blossom blight. |
Topcrest | Peach | Yellow flesh, small to medium round fruit, red blush with some striping, over a yellow background colour. Clingstone, can be prone to split stones. | A good early peach with reliable, heavy cropping in most areas. Requires thinning. | |
Tremlett's Bitter | Apple | Moderately resistant to black spot (apple scab) | ||
Trevatt | Apricot | Medium fruit, roundish and slightly flattened. Pale lemon colour with greenish tinge. Fruit ripens from the inside, very sweet to eat even when the fruit still looks a bit green on the outside. Become very juicy when ripe, can get mushy when overripe. | Apricots need frost protection, particularly at blossom time. revatt ripens from the inside, so will often be surprisingly sweet and juicy on the inside even when the outside is still quite a pale orange, and by the time the outside of the fruit is a darker orange, it’s getting positively squashy and over-ripe. | Apricots are generally susceptible to blossom blight. Suffers from pit burn in hot weather. |
Tri-Gems | Apricot | Rounded fruit, orange with slight blush, clean skin. Good flavour if properly ripened on tree. Freestone. | Apricots need frost protection, particularly at blossom time. | Apricots are generally susceptible to blossom blight. |
Tropic Beauty | Peach | |||
Tropic Mac | Apple | |||
Tropic Snow | Peach | |||
Tropic Sweet | Apple | A low chill variety. Nice all over orange/pink colour that looks very similar to a Gala apple. Good size, with very sweet and crunchy flesh. | Prefers subtropical or warm temperate climates. Can handle mild frosts. | None known |
Twenty Ounce (not to be confused with another apple called Twenty Ounce Pippin, which is another North American cultivar.) | Apple | Fruit is very large (hence the name) with yellow skin that is "streaked and splashed red". Stalk is short and thick. The flesh is whitish-yellow, juicy, tender and sub-acid. These appples are "very large and showy...highly esteemed...reliable". Quite similar to Opalescent. | Particular attention needs to be paid to tree structure and fruit thinning to ensure tree's are not broken by the weight of the fruit. | |
Tydeman's Early Worcester | Apple | Medium sized red fruit that is lovely and crisp. Flavour is sweet and a bit tart. | Partial spur and partial tip bearer. Tree is spreading, moderately vigorous. A reliable cropper. | Moderately resistant to black spot (apple scab) |
Ulster | Cherry | Medium, heart shaped cherry, very dark red, very sweet. | Moderate to heavy cropper, can overset in some districts. | Average crack resistance. |