Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Spring in the garden is traditionally a time of high tension, with the ever-present possibility of panic.

As the sap in the trees rises, so does the blood pressure, because it’s make-or-break time in many ways.

Fruit trees are at their most vulnerable when they’re flowering. A frost, too much rain at the wrong time, or a disease outbreak, can severely impactΒ the crop for the year.

On top of that, there are a million and one jobs to do, and it always seems to be the season when a crucial piece of equipment goes AWOL.

Can you tell spring can sometimes not be much fun?

A man standing in front of a tree in blossom with the branches arched over his head, face on to the camera but looking to the side. A woman in a blue jumper with a red scarf is facing him and putting flowers in his beard.
Victoria and Tom getting ready for spring celebrations on the farm

Reclaiming spring as a time of celebration and thanks

The word ‘panic’ comes from ‘pan’, and Pan is the god of spring! In Greek mythology, he’s the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, of fields, groves, and wooded glens.

Pan is also connected to fertility and the awakening of all things. So some years ago, we decided to turn spring panic on its head and reclaim this season as a time for gratitude, feasting, and celebration.

It’s a welcome reframe of the sense of panic that can too easily consume us, particularly in those years when it rains too much!

It’s also an excellent time to thank the community of people – our village – who help us to run the farm.

A long table with people sitting down each side, all looking up towards the camera above them. Leaves and flowers make a centrepiece down the middle of the table, most peole have a plate of food in front of them.

It takes a community to run a farm

The list of people who work with us in some way on the farm has changed a lot over the years. But a couple of things always stay the same.

The first is family, in particular Katie’s dad Merv. He presides over the on-farm nursery, and is a constant but quiet presence in our lives; never interfering, but always providing support and having our backs. The rest of Katie’s family maintains an active interest in the family farm. Many are involved in many small or large ways.

The second constant is that there are a LOT of people involved in our place.

Back in the day when we were running the orchard ourselves, we had a great team. They helped with jobs like pruning, markets, and thinning. Then there were the interns, the WWOOFers, and the volunteers.

Since we leased out the orchard and started the Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op, it’s a whole new crew.

And of course, we’re also very grateful for all our Grow Great Fruit members, our appreciative and loyal customers, and the thousands of people who follow us on Facebook. It’s a pretty big village!

A table covered with a red tablecloth overlaid by a white lacy cover that reaches to the grass on the ground. On the table is a large bundle of greenery, some flowers and some large bowls of food to share.
Our spring feasting table

Replacing panic with eggs

In keeping with the spring theme, we often have an egg-based feast. Eggs appear in entree, main, and dessert, and oh boy, it’s delicious.

There’s usually a bonfire, which is welcome because it’s usually still pretty cold at this time of year, especially in the evenings.

If people stick around there are inevitably wine and marshmallows around the fire, and some music or singing.

It’s a great way to re-set, reframe, and declare the new season officially launched!

A night scene, the glowing remnnants of a bonfire in the foreground and a ring of people sitting around the fire and silhouetted from a bright light out of the top frame of the picture. One of the people has a guitar and is singing.
The spring bonfire at dusk

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