Case study – Anna and Nathan
Case study – Anna and Nathan

Introducing ... Anna & Nathan, who fulfilled their dream of moving to the country and building a self-sufficient lifestyle. Read the case study in Spring - Week 13.

Case study – Bernie
Case study – Bernie

Introducing ... Bernie, one of our longest-standing members, and a real inspiration for what can be achieved in a short time with a bit of experience, some knowledge, passion, and a bit of luck! Read the case study in Summer - Week 13.

Case study – Bozena
Case study – Bozena

Introducing ... Bozena, who has achieved an amazing amount in her small suburban block, creating a highly productive backyard that keeps her and her family supplied with fruit and vegies. Read the case study in Winter - Week 13.

Case study – Cas
Case study – Cas

Introducing ... Cas, who has created an accidental food forest in her suburban Melbourne garden. It's biodiversity, productivity, and an incredible range of fruit trees will surprise and inspire you! Read the case study in Autumn - Week 13.

Case study – Celia
Case study – Celia

Introducing ... Celia, who has ambitious plans to expand the fruit produced on her 7 hectare, steeply sloping property. Read the case study in Spring - Week 13.

Case study – Clare & Win
Case study – Clare & Win

Introducing ... Clare and Win. They are passionate gardeners and keen permaculturalists, and have risen to meet some pretty tough challenges in their lives with grace, dignity, and lots of bloody hard work! We hope you enjoy their story, and f [...]

Case study – Jim & Mary
Case study – Jim & Mary

Introducing ... Jim and Mary, who in less than 4 years have transformed an almost empty suburban backyard into a lush and productive edible garden. Read the case study in Winter - Week 13.

Case study – Kelly
Case study – Kelly

Introducing ... Kelly, who has been converting an ex-dairy farm into a biodiverse and productive mini-farm heavily influenced by permaculture principles. Read the case study in Summer - Week 13.