Click on the variety/cultivar name below to open the full listing, or click here for detailed instructions on how to use the database
Variety/Cultivar | Fruit Type | Fruit Description | Production Notes | Disease Susceptibility |
Sugar May | Peach | Dark red skin over creamy white background, white flesh, sweet flavour, low acid. Semi-clingstone. | ||
Summer Grand | Nectarine | Medium to large, round fruit, almost complete red-crimson colour over light yellow background. Good flavour, slightly tart. | ||
Summer Jewel | Cherry | Medium to large, dark red cherry with a short stem. Good flavour and small pip. | Might be slow to start bearing. | |
Summer Red | Apple | Dark crimson apple with greeny background, very shiny skin, greenish flesh, acidic unless properly ripened on tree. Doesn't store well, softens quickly | Early bearing tree, heavy cropper, needs thinning. Moderately vigourous and upright tree. | Moderately resistant to apple scab/black spot and powdery mildew |
Summer Strawberry | Apple | Moderately resistant to black spot (apple scab) | ||
Summerdel | Apple | Red apple with darker red overstripe, slight russet, cream flesh with good flavour. | Medium vigour, spreading tree, heavy bearer, needs thinning to prevent biennial bearing | Average susceptibility to apple scab/black spot and powdery mildew |
Summit | Cherry | Large to very large, heart shaped cherry. Red skin, pale flesh, good flavour. | Light crops of very large fruit in some areas. Make sure a pollinator is available. | |
Sun Glo | Apricot | Bright orange, medium size fruit, glossy skin. flesh is firm and juicy, softens if left on tree too long. Sweet flavour, freestone. | Apricots need frost protection, particularly at blossom time. | Apricots are generally susceptible to blossom blight. |
Sunblaze | Nectarine | |||
Sunburst | Cherry | Very large red cherry with long stem, can be softm, ripens quickly. | Moderate resistance to cracking | |
Suncrisp | Apple | Spur bearer | ||
Sundowner (Cripps Red) | Apple | Small to medium sized red apple with distinctive white spots. The flesh is white, crisp and juicy and very sweet, with a slightly acid blackberry finish. Sundowner are very firm and store extremely well. Some russet in stem cavity. Store very well. | Bear heavily, can overcrop and produce small fruit if not thinned. Spur bearer. | Resistant to apple scab/black spot |
Sundrop | Apricot | Medium size fruit, bright apricot colour, good flavour if allowed to ripen on tree. Freestone. | Apricots need frost protection, particularly at blossom time. Can be unreliable cropper. | Apricots are generally susceptible to blossom blight. |
Sunlite | Nectarine | |||
Sunraycer | Nectarine |